Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Day 6 Korcula to Vela Luka

 Day 6 Korcula to Vela Luca 51km

Aah we thought we had an easy day today with fewer kilometers but we were in for a surprise as there were quite a few steep climbs to conquer. We took the hilly route! We discovered later that there is a flatter coastal route that we could have taken from Popnat to Smokvica which would have been a breeze, however we hopefully will be fitter to do the hills that lie ahead of us. The fields along the way were filled with Spring flowers, how lucky are we to have two Springs in one year. Sage,blue thistles,white and pink Rock Roses,Linaria, camomile, wild pink gladiolus and lots of small white flowers.Rosemary,Sage,Fennel and garlic grow wild here.
Stopped in Smokvica for a wine tasting at Toreta where most of their wines are made from the Posip grape. They were quite delicious. They also make a Special Late Harvest which is a blend of Posip, Rakatak and Plavac Mali. The grapes are dried before pressing which adds a lot of depth and flavor to the wine.
Vela Luka is a big big town where we had to catch the ferry from to Split. We had to spend the night as the only ferries at this time of the year leave at 06:15 and 17:45. If we had taken the last ferry we would only get to Split by 21:45 which would be too late to find accomodation etc on our bicycles. We had a good walk along the coast with heaps of different wild flowers along the way.
Smokvica village where Posip wine is made.
View of Vela Luka
Cycle route across Korcula Island.

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