Tuesday 24 July 2018

Day 7. Cove to Hatherleigh

Day 7. Cove to Hatherleigh. 64 km.

After an excellent breakfast of muesli, yoghurt, croissants and coffee, used the early Sunday morning opportunity to fly down the A396 back to Tiverton. From there we were back on the small roads to Calverleigh and then a serious climb to Templeton. We were passed by umpteen old tractors on their way to a tractor rally in aid of various local charities. 

We thought we had done the worst of the hills, but were informed by a farmer that the worst lay ahead. After a sharp descent to Templeton Bridge (beware of any name with bridge, ford or crossing because it always involves a treacherous downhill followed by a killer climb), Templeton hill rose up in front of us like a black slope. We jettisoned our bags, cycled up and then walked back to fetch the bags. Slow going.

We were now on the brown part of the map amongst the wind turbines heading for somewhere called Nomansland which was very encouraging. A few more climbs past wheat and oat fields and we reached Black Dog. We then tested our map reading skills and made our way through Morchard Bishop to Lapford where we found a Spar to buy a sandwich.

More hills and a fight with Garmin who sent us up a steep hill and then demanded a u-turn, we reached Monkokehampton. We passed a large horse stud with fields of beautiful thoroughbreds. We had been warned about the hill to Hatherleigh, but in spite of it being long and hot, the Mme Dawes could smell beer. We watered them at The George, bought a picnic supper and headed (up again) to our B and B . We enjoyed a lovely warm evening in the garden of Pipers Cottage. This is a tasteful B and B but built for dwarves. Climbing the stairs required a visit to the chiropractor for realignment. 

A Sunday gathering of tractors.

The hills were alive with the sound of panting.

Off to No Man's Land. Wonder if there's a way back again.

Very pleased that we weren't allowed to go fast up this hill. Beware of the black dog around the corner.

Hope they weren't serving dog.

Our Airbnb hostess has green fingers.

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