Monday 16 July 2018

Day 1. London to Bray

London to Bray. 79 km.

The two old ladies, the Mme Dawes, were brisling with excitement and all pumped up with joints oiled in Gilly and Mitch's garden. We had to wait for National Railway to accept bikes on board which only happens after nine o'clock. 

A short cycle to Orpington Station, and we caught the fast train to Charing Cross. We set off through Trafalgar Square, down past Scotland Yard who disappointingly showed us no interest and then over Westminster  Bridge, and promptly got lost in search of Putney Bridge. Garmin decided Putney Bridge doesn't exist, so we did a few circuits through Vauxhall before Jen got some directions from the locals. We missed Putney Bridge completely, Garmin perked up and we headed through Richmond Park, where we were happy to get out of the traffic for a while. The grass looks a bit like home in February after the warm summer here, but the trees are amazing. 

We then found the Thames again, and the Thames Valley Cycle path. We spent the rest of the day close to the river on towpaths on either side. It was perfect conditions on a mostly quiet route - some gravel, some tar, a bit of grass and the odd section of loose stones. It is a beautiful section, a warm day with plenty of rowing and boat activity. Waitrose supplied a lunch of soon-to-expire sandwiches which we wolfed down on the river bank near the pretty town of Kingston. 

We stopped at Hampton Court Palace to look at the impressive garden, but mostly to use the free loos. The Thames meanders a lot so the GPS was really useful, apart from a section in Staines where roadworks obliterated all senses of direction. We fortunately missed the turning to a route over some steep hills to Windsor, and ended up sticking to the river path. Windsor is certainly attractive but was a mess of small tourists who looked at everything through the lenses of cameras - a nightmare on a bike. 
We had the obligatory photo with Queen E who was in residence and must have waved at us from a distant window. We crossed back over the Thames onto a great path to Bray where much-needed cold water, tea and a shower awaited us at Patsy's BnB. 

Off to have a photo in front of the Fat Duck, before sneaking around the corner for a pint,
pork pie and mushy peas.

The Mme Dawes are eager to get on the road.

Starting from Charing Cross. 

Richmond Park - hasn't been so dry since 1976.

But the forested areas still quite green.

Along the Thames.

Bridge at Kingston.

Hampton Court garden where Henry VIII swopped queens every few years.

The village of Bray - there are more Michellin stars in this picture than in des Champs-Elysees.

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